ral is an ancient and persistent life form which has outlasted the dinosaurs by a long shot. It preceded the emergence of human life by hundreds of millions of years.
So why should it now be regarded as so vulnerable?
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‘Should meat be on the menu?’ explores the widely held view that sheep, cattle and other grazing animals are responsible for an enormous net production of new global warming gases.
It asserts that… Read More
If you have ever gained weight and become fat, fatter than you intended to be, have you ever stopped to ask the question, ‘Why didn’t my Grandmother get fat? … and why did I?’ Why is it that, as an overall generation, we are carrying more fat than our Grandmother and Grandfather? Have you ever stopped to consider … Read More
… my year in a bush hut
This is the true story of an enforced year out from the rat race for our average middle class Australian hero. Facing a total reverse of his fortunes, partly as a result of the ‘Recession Australia had to have’ and partly through his own fault, our hero retreats from the home he once owned to his last remaining asset—a bush block near the river, just out of town in the Hunter Valley.
There he lives with… Read More
The true story of an Australian, Robert Coveny, who was born into a prominent colonial-era family in Sydney, New South Wales, in 1842. Instead of following in his father’s footsteps in business and commerce, Robert opted for a military career in the British Army.
He journeyed to Britain and joined an elite Regiment – the 42nd Highlanders or ‘Black Watch’ as the Regiment is more famously known. He served with the Regiment in many of Britain’s colonial wars until he was Killed in Action during the ill-fated Nile Expedition. His military service had begun on 7th January, 1862, and ended on 10th February, 1885.
A fascinating account of a little-known aspect of Australian history.